Cooperation & Projects

שיתוף פעולה התאחדות התעשיינים | פריקו

Cooperation of the Manufacturers' Association

Prico conducts advanced training for members of the association and provides professional assistance in the field of currency risk management, interest rates and raw materials.

שיתוף פעולה איגוד לשכות המסחר | פריקו

Cooperation Association of Chambers of Commerce

As part of the cooperation between the Association of Chambers of Commerce and Prico, Frico takes part in the association's events, publishing professional materials and holding conferences and seminars for union members. Continuing education and events dealing with a wide range of issues, including current affairs, such as the consequences of the global, local and union Brexit event, changing the status of the Chinese yuan and turning it into an SDR member currency, IMF currency basket. In dealing with the preparation of an annual budget, methods for hedging financial exposures and economic-financial reviews.